September 19, 2015
AUTUMN AMAM AT EATON GOLF CLUB ON 16th SEPTEMBER 2015 Pat Bland, Match Vice Captain and AmAm Organiser, reported that she, along with Maureen McRae and 128 players, arrived at Eaton hoping the heavy rain that was forecast would hold off. All except the last few groups were lucky. The format was two scores to count on each hole with nearest the pins for all on the 2nd and 11th. Not only did Eaton provide excellent hospitality and lunch but a very impressive halfway house serving squash, coffee and loads of nibbles. Thanks to Peter Johns, Steve and Karen Warren for all their hard work, also to Jan Knowler and Val Chapman for manning the halfway house. Thanks also to the Eaton Rep Chris Gillham and Barbara Warren for their help prior to the competition and finding starters and to Maureen McRae, Nancy Allen and Val Chapman who helped with the scoring. The ball sweep in aid of Norfolk girls made £150. Eaton Captain Chris Gallagher gave a short speech before our President Barbara Warren presented the prizes.